Monday, September 30, 2019

Fake news, misinformation and confusion before the advent of the global recession

The media, multilateral institutions, governments of various countries and the most important companies in the world obviously have a degree of responsibility when disseminating the content of their communications, news, or resolutions through the channels of which they have for such effects; even more so when it comes to issues that can affect the well-being of millions of human beings.
The arguments related to the possible emergence of a global economic recession that could become a global economic depression have been treated with great prudence and reserve by directly involved organizations, governments and companies. However, there are reasons to think that the way in which these entities are handling and disseminating the issue is not only inappropriate but also harmful. The entities with the greatest communicational power in the world in topics related to the macro-economy and the global economy, in an excessive zeal to avoid becoming a propagator of false alarms, refuse to explicitly recognize the very high possibilities that the economy global recession, and, in this way, prevent the discussion about the mechanisms that would protect us from it or, in the worst case, minimize the magnitude of the damage it causes.
Go to: Misinformation and the Currency of Democratic Citizenship - James H. Kuklinski; Paul J. Quirk; Jennifer Jerit; David Schwieder; Robert F. Rich - The Journal of Politics, Vol. 62, No. 3. (Aug., 2000), pp. 790-816
Multilateral organizations, risk rating companies and economic research departments of the most important companies in the world, to point out some of the entities that handle the issue with the seriousness that deserves the case, have all the tools to study these phenomena with the breadth and depth that is required, but, its opinions and pronouncements are reactive, not proactive; and it cannot be otherwise since many important decisions are made by the most influential global economic agents based on the content of these reports. This fact, typical of the current process of global communication and dissemination of content, added to the already known political interests of several national governments to prevent some relevant issues from spreading massively at certain times; It will result in the vast majority of people who need to be informed of the arrival of the global recession months after the abnormality is part of our daily lives.
The projections of economic growth of the most important multilateral organizations do not reflect the effects of the commercial war because they will materialize in the long term. These are limited to forecasting slight decelerations in global growth rates but, on the other hand, their officials, in the face of obvious press pressure, declare, for example, that the trade war will only contract global trade by two percent It is impossible that two phenomena that are antagonistic by nature occur simultaneously in the global economy. To affirm that global economic growth can occur in the midst of a contraction of global trade is to ignore the existence of the global economy, is to propose that national economies have an inherent capacity for economic growth behind the back of the rest of the world; it is the principle of economic isolationism in its crudest and purest form; It is mere disclosure of principles, it is not disclosure of realities.
On the other hand, another official from another multilateral agency, also harassed by the press, calls on investors to execute more investment projects because, otherwise, the growth projections set by the institution they represent cannot be maintained. . Is there a sign of panic and confusion clearer and sharper than this?
If this is not enough, we also have a very prestigious multilateral organization but with little popularity, that is, it is not very requested by the media that explicitly recognizes that there will be a contraction of the global product by 2%, but that, at at the same time, it shows China with a high rate of economic growth; In fact, he says, there will be only a few countries with economic contraction, countries that have little weight in the global product. The truth is that the global economic recession will begin with the Chinese economic recession. If China does not fall into crisis, the world will not fall into crisis.
Obviously, the confusion that seems to reign in the sources of information linked to the commercial war and a possible global recession is transmitted to the media. The word "recession" is not used by almost any informational means; instead it is replaced by the word "economic deceleration," which has a radically different meaning. In any case, together with the inappropriate use of terms, the writing of the articles and the content of the audiovisual materials emphasize the idea that the commercial war will only slow down global economic growth without causing any consequences on the US economy. In particular, those materials that cite "several news agencies" as a source show a very high level of inconsistency in their content.
On the other hand, we believe that the current situation and the perspectives before the global economy require that the risk rating companies and economic research departments of the largest global corporations have greater communicational activity. The global economic agents , more than the National States, are the ones who make the most important decisions in this matter and need, therefore, a coherent and clear signal system that allows them to carry out right actions to be able to solve in the best way the inconveniences the future holds; Misinformation and confusion not only bankrupt many companies, it also destabilizes economies, large and small. Competent agencies need to issue forecasts of consistent and credible global economic growth prospects.
At this time, a reasonably accurate global economic growth forecast based on terms of probability of occurrence would be as follows:

  • Forecast until the end of 2020, that is, without considering the US electoral process
    • Global economic recession: 40%
    • Global economic deceleration: 60%
    • Global economic depression: 0%
    • Negative effects on the US economy: 0%
  • Forecast after 2020, that is, considering the outcome of the US electoral process
    • With republican triumph
      • Global economic recession: 50%
      • Global economic deceleration: 20%
      • Global economic depression: 30%
      • Negative effects on the US economy
        • In terms of prices: 80% chance of events occurring in 2023
        • In terms of product: 30% chance of events occurring in 2027
    • With democratic triumph
      • Global economic recession: 40%
      • Global economic deceleration: 40%
      • Global economic depression: 20%
      • Negative effects on the US economy
        • In terms of prices: 60% chance of events occurring in 2023
        • In terms of product: 20% chance of events occurring in 2027

As we can see, the process of correcting the US trade deficit will have serious consequences on the global economy and could even have negative effects on the US economy itself.
But, if the tariff increase measures are being applied by the Trump Administration since 2017, why should we wait until 2020 or 2021 to confirm that they will generate a global economic recession?

Here we have proposed that the transmission channel of a possible global economic recession is the Chinese economy; what happens in it will determine whether or not the world enters recession. At this time, the Chinese domestic product depends fundamentally on the investment component; that is the axis of the spectacular growth of the Chinese economy since the behavior of this variable is subordinated to the behavior of consumption and public spending. However, this volume of investment is not autonomous but depends on the ability of the Chinese economy to sell its products in the United States.
China Investment March 2019
Indeed, the commercial war discourages the execution of investment projects in Chinese territory through the decrease in the number of projects initiated in that country since 2017. We believe that in the year 2020 or 2021 the current investment projects will be completed or those investment projects that have become unfeasible due to the appearance of the commercial war will have been paralyzed. That is, the budgetary size and the amount of new investment projects will be, in those years, infinitely less than the volume that the economy of that country usually manages; This means a contraction of the investment in execution that will negatively impact government consumption and expenditure to translate into a contraction of the Chinese product for several quarters in a row so that the economic recession appears in that country.
Is China investing too much in infrastructure?
The Chinese economic recession would be becoming a global economic recession, not so much because of the decrease in the purchase orders of the Asian country to its trading partners in the rest of the world, but, fundamentally, to the abrupt stoppage of investment projects that also they run in these countries before the emergence of the economic recession in the Asian country.

All these investment projects seem to be leveraged by global financial entities, so a global financial crisis could be the springboard that leads to the planet from a global recession to a global depression.
We believe that there is still time to study the problem with the necessary rigor and devise mechanisms that mitigate the unpleasant consequences of such eventualities. But, in any case, the milestones of this phenomenon are already being addressed in these pages for consideration at the time of further investigation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Trade war without Trump and with business subsidies

Next year there will be presidential elections in the United States and the first studies indicate that the next president of that country will belong to the Democratic Party. It is still too early to believe that this will be the definitive result, however, it will be very useful to carry out an exercise that evaluates the implications that this result could have on the behavior of US foreign trade and on the commercial war.
When Trump was declared the winner in the previous electoral process, the media conveyed a sense of panic and fear that filled all those who frequently address political issues with fear. In reality, Trump reflects the concern of Americans about many phenomena that have been occurring in the United States and that other candidates failed to address properly.
Trump arrived at the White House to set new guidelines on the presidential agenda, not only for his government but also for successive administrations. From now on, the topics related to the North American trade deficit will be the object of attention of the next presidents of that nation for the purposes of making the corresponding decisions until the size of the same is substantially reduced. Failure to do so means losing valuable political capital and giving opponents the opportunity to displace them from power.
On the other hand, Trump raises a milestone in US foreign policy China represents a danger to the interests of the United States. So, from then on, the decisions taken by both the executive and legislative branches of that country and that are linked to relations with China will be carefully reviewed in order not to allow the Asian country to increase its influence on The North American economy
As we know, the Democrats focus their attention on social issues, human rights, wealth distribution, etc while they sometimes neglect the points related to economic growth and wealth generation. However, after the Reagan Administration there was a process of ideological renewal in the Democratic Party that, although it does not abandon its fundamental principles, gives much greater importance to economic events and also understands that, on occasion, intervention is necessary Military in other countries.
Under a Democratic administration, the commercial war goes to the background and political projects that try to pass laws that increase taxes on the biggest fortunes become important. However, this does not mean that the tariff increases adopted during the Trump Administration are eliminated or that the effort to reduce the trade deficit ceases.
The ideological line of the Democratic Party needs to clearly define how to deal with the trade deficit problem. This is a process that must be happening at this time and that would take all of 2019 and part of 2020. It is necessary that the Democratic presidential candidate show precise lines on how to face the problem of American foreign trade from the approach of that party . Although it is probable that said candidate will present himself to the contest showing only general lines and then establish the specific norms in the first two years of government and implement measures in the last two years that remain under that administration.
The Democratic Party, as far as I know, has not issued any pronouncement about what happens with respect to the US trade deficit, has not given it the corresponding importance and, worse still, has not taken a position on a reality that could threaten welfare of the Americans. Indeed, the Democrats have not even tried to decouple the idea introduced by the Republicans that the welfare of Americans depends on the magnitude of the trade deficit. It is clear that the Democratic obsession to increase the tax rate on gigantic fortunes has prevented the party from showing us the ideology that will allow us to face today's problems.
That is why the economic actors of the United States and the world must wait for the Democrats to study and understand the phenomenon of the trade deficit in order to establish scenarios that allow us to predict the most important events in the area of ​​international trade that could be occurring during the next years.

Despite the ideological lag that the Democratic Party shows us, we must note that its political influence is notorious and that its followers are leaders in human rights, inequality and exclusion; but that his eternal criticism of capitalism takes away space for the production of useful ideas to address the problems of today.
By the time the Democratic Party obtains a hypothetical victory in the next presidential elections China will already be in recession or it will be very close to it, while the rest of the world will see how negative expectations lead to the pit the value of most important economic variables. We believe that, under these circumstances, the Democratic administration will repeatedly disclose that there will be no more tariff increases. However, it will carry out the necessary actions to conclude the political agreements that allow reducing the overvaluation of the dollar without affecting the functioning of the financial system. This means that China's difficulty in exporting to the United States will continue to increase. That is, the danger of a global economic depression will not disappear with Trump's departure from the White House.
That is why, in view of what has been mentioned so far, we can affirm that the US electoral process will not influence the commercial war; This will continue regardless of who is the next president of the United States. Therefore, we can only expect a change in the trade deficit correction mechanism, where the application of tariff increases is replaced by a gradual reduction in the dollar's overvaluation.
So, if there are very high chances that the commercial war will continue over the next few years, we will have the chances of a global economic depression still significant. Here we propose that the threat of global economic depression will be fought by a group of countries through the application of subsidies to companies; in this way the global economic debacle would only become a global economic recession, but never a global economic depression.

Subsidies to companies are tools of economic incentive of a rather heterodox nature and that has been applied previously in several nations under radically different contexts.

This tool emerges as a feasible alternative since the economy that urgently needs to face the effects of the trade war that is, China, lacks mechanisms, tools and institutions that allow it to adequately address such eventuality.
Indeed, the fiscal and monetary policies of the Asian country lack autonomy and effectiveness; they simply react to what happens with trade policy, therefore, they cannot be used to combat events of an unfavorable trade policy.
On the other hand, we do not believe that the necessary political conditions are in place for the multilateral organizations to provide economic assistance to China since the statutes of these organizations will not conform to the requirements and conditions that the Chinese nomenclature will want to impose. While it is true that these organizations played a leading role during the Asian crisis of the late 1990s, we think that the conditions prevailing today are different.
Finally, the depreciation of the currency will be the tool preferred by the rulers of the different nations to face the consequences of the commercial war. However, this will be a mechanism lacks effectiveness or, at best lso cases, a number of mitigating the problems that arise.
We believe that the granting of subsidies to companies will be the instrument that will prevent the massive closure of companies and that several nations will adopt as a result of the commercial war. Obviously, not all countries have the power to implement a mechanism for distributing subsidies to companies, nor are all companies in a position to receive them. That is to say, given that China is the axis from which the hypothetical global economic depression will begin, it is absolutely essential that it install such a mechanism for granting subsidies to companies, especially when it has abundant financial resources for this purpose. For this, it must be taken into account that the distribution of these subsidies cannot be massive but selective; where one of the most important selection criteria should be the size of the volume of imports made annually by each company. This criterion creates a bias that harms the companies that serve the domestic market, so it would require implementing some compensatory mechanism that annuls said bias.
international reserves countries
Other nations, like China, will not be adequately prepared to properly deal with the trade war, so they could be taking measures similar to granting subsidies to companies to stop the spread of the negative effects of the trade war. However, the main focus of the spread of the world recession or world depression will be China. That is, the measures taken by countries that have strong commercial ties with China will not help if China decides not to apply subsidies to its companies to stop the hypothetical mass closure of companies.
In any case, the first shock that nations will receive as a result of the trade war, regardless of their degree of connection with China, will be: currency depreciation, product contraction both through lower aggregate demand and lower aggregate supply ; inflation, specifically cost inflation; contraction of fiscal revenues and fiscal expenditure; reduction of sources of fiscal financing; reduction of internal consumption; unemployment. This is an adjustment process that involves the destruction of a part of the global production chains because they are no longer useful. Under this context, it is necessary to rethink global production schemes based on new ideas and new principles. Until this new global production scheme appears, most of the planet's economies could be submerged in a kind of perennial stagnation, of non-economic growth, of mere survival.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Global Economic Depression and Trade War

One of the principles on which the behavior of economic agents in a capitalist economy is based is the search for economic benefits, specifically, profit maximization. For example, if the performance of various activities brings benefits to an entrepreneur, he must only carry out that activity or combination of activities that grant him the highest level of profit; Of course, as long as these activities are legal. Likewise, if the tasks to which it is dedicated throw losses or do not offer a volume of profits that can be considered satisfactory, then the economic agent is free to leave the business, if he considers it convenient.

It is through this mechanism that society allocates the economic resources available to meet its needs; Any other behavior only implies waste and dissatisfaction. That is, the principle of profit maximization is what will allow society to reach the highest possible levels of satisfaction, given the resources that are within its reach. This means that if economic agents decide to ignore the principle of profit maximization, then society as a whole would suffer from the rigors of scarcity. While there is poverty in all capitalist societies, the omission of the profit maximization principle would only create more poverty.

However, given the scenario that most of the planet's economies are approaching, the principle of profit maximization may not make much sense. Indeed, we can predict, with a small margin of error, that a large number of companies of different sizes present in the world will see their profits reduced significantly; while another large number of companies will stop receiving profits and begin to shed economic losses. In this context, talking about profit maximization or loss minimization can only be considered an economic absurdity since a drastic reduction in profits implies the possibility that in the next periods the company will throw economic losses and should close; whereas, a loss minimization strategy will not yield any result since in any case the owners of the company will be requesting the liquidation of the company. So, if within a few months, the profit maximization criterion will no longer make sense, what will be the criteria managers and managers should apply to make the best decisions?

Obviously, when a company begins to shed losses or there are prospects that this will happen soon, one of the best options that managers and owners of the company have is to liquidate it, that is, close the company. In this way, managers take back the invested capital and allocate it to another productive activity that, of course, is profitable.

This is how in a scenario like the one we will find in a few months, such as a global recession, it is expected that thousands of companies across the planet will close their doors permanently in order to convert the global recession into global depression. Government authorities in different countries cannot allow that.

Indeed, the strategy that is most likely to be adopted by the various rulers of the planet is to avoid the massive closure of companies, not to avoid the global recession but to prevent the arrival of global depression, given that, as we have said before , it is impossible to prevent the global recession from appearing.
The company is the productive axis of every capitalist economy; It is the representative institution of capitalism. Thus, a phenomenon such as the massive closure of companies globally not only means a drastic reduction in the amount of goods and services intended to meet the needs of society but also, possibly, the end of the capitalist production system. Hence, with absolute certainty, we can affirm that most economies will take their positions not to evade the global recession but to prevent the massive closure of companies from occurring.
Under normal conditions, that is, under a situation in which the global economy is growing, if economic losses are obtained, managers must decide to close the company and direct productive resources to another economic sector or even to another country where they can continue with the productive activity, but now under better perspectives. Another alternative is to assume losses during a certain number of economic periods since managers can consider the situation of losses as temporary, as transitory.
On the other hand, in exceptional conditions, such as that in which global growth is expected to be negative, entrepreneurs are motivated to liquidate the company at the time when it begins its cycle of losses to protect its capital, but without alternatives since there are no productive sectors or countries that have growth prospects. Thus, a hypothetical situation of global mass closure of companies caused by the commercial war means the withdrawal of immense amounts of economic resources from global production cycles and their immediate conversion into valuable non-productive assets in order to maintain the value of said wealth until it is feasible, again, the execution of investment projects.
In a previous publication it was noted that the Chinese recession should consist of three periods of economic contraction that show the following sequence: -1%, -3% and -5%; followed by a situation of widespread stagnation. Whereas, companies around the world, except the North American ones, should face a "worst possible scenario" that will consist of five consecutive periods of sales reduction in the following order: -10%, -10%, -10% , -5%, -5%; to also culminate in a situation of long stagnation. On the other hand, for the scenario of global depression, China should show up to 10 years of successive economic contractions, meanwhile, the global economy, under the same scenario of global depression, will have to face approximately 15 successive years of economic contractions. ¿ What entrepreneur, before these forecasts can make informed decisions on the principle of maximizing profits ?. ¿ As China you can drag the world into a global economic depression of impressive magnitude?
Recent history shows us the spectacular economic growth that China has experienced since the 1980s. This growth led, in less than half a century, to one of the poorest countries on the planet, with a population that had serious nutrition and education problems , to become the second largest economy in the world and with a road traveled in terms of technological development. Definitely impressive. However, sometimes the postulates wielded by members of elitist and oligarch social circles can be useful: stay away from the new rich and quick wealth.
China's economic growth, like the rest of the Asian economies, was based on the export, specifically, on the export of products to the United States. Selling the most lucrative market in the world and produce in the nation with the cost more on the planet can only result in one thing: abundant and quick profits. These gains were absorbed or appropriated by Chinese political factors who struggled to increase exports to the United States more and more so that their personal fortunes would grow without limit, considering that in China the magnitude of corruption is considered high and is one of the countries where wealth is distributed with great inequality.
Indeed, the colossal gains that the Chinese economy received in recent decades were not used to strengthen the country's internal economy or to create institutions that definitely displace the feudal legacy, repeatedly hidden by communist political praxis, no, that money was allocated to create a legal and political framework, national and international, that protects the Chinese corruption system in its task of capturing income from export to the USA.
Obviously, China's domestic economy grew as violently as the growth of exports to the United States; This increase in the size of the internal economy of the Asian country entails the growth of cities, the increase in the number of communication channels, the increase in the amount of health and education services received by the population, in short, it means a Undoubted improvement in the welfare of the average Chinese citizen, despite receiving extremely low wages and suffering from an excessively unfair distribution of wealth.
That is to say, the work of the Chinese political leaders, given the colossal magnitudes of profits obtained, consisted of creating mechanisms that would raise Chinese domestic consumption even more so that it served as a support for aggregate demand in case of a possible decline in the exports The emergence of a new middle class in China, abundant, strong and consumerist, such as the European or North American middle class that, at the same time, demands a lot of Chinese products, would have protected the Asian nation from the vicissitudes linked to exports to U.S. In the same way, a deep restructuring of Chinese public spending, accompanied by a substantial multiplication in its scale, would have provided the necessary shields to protect Chinese society from external eventualities and would have made available to Asian government authorities from necessary tools to carry out Chinese macroeconomic stabilization policies. Indeed, the Chinese government is completely defenseless against the events associated with the trade war because it lacks the means to implement any economic policy.   
The task of increasing and restructuring domestic consumption and Chinese public spending is a much more complex activity than the task of exporting goods to the United States because the former requires the design, creation and operation of institutions that serve these purposes, as it happens in the West. However, given China's extreme dependence on exports to North America, it is obvious that it will not only be an unavoidable task but also an urgent one. Why did Chinese government authorities refuse to take that step ?

First, the Chinese corruption system should be mentioned. Increasing effective internal consumption and effective public spending even more would reduce the income received by the corrupt.

Then, more internal consumption and public spending means the consolidation of a powerful middle class and a professional bureaucracy, which, by their nature, love democracy and deeply despise authoritarian political systems.
Finally, the growth of domestic consumption and public spending means that China becomes a "Western" nation. In a way, it means assuming the values ​​of the West as their own and leaving in the background a culture that is not only native but also millenary.

This is how, given the manifest vulnerability of China to the commercial war, the authorities of that country should seek to create mechanisms and institutions that grant massive subsidies to Chinese companies to prevent them from closing their doors; In this way, China and the world are allowed to enter into a global recession but both China and the world are prevented from reaching the undesirable extremes associated with a global economic depression.